Thursday, March 31, 2011

Back to life!

I know I been bad with you my love… my blog and now I’m back coz I been missing you so  much ..Please understand. Life has been really tough but I learned and found a good helmet.

It represents life in general. It grows up from the mud into an object of great beauty, people also grow and change into something more beautiful. - struggle of life and I have gone through such road. I guess this  lotus flower explained it well....Life is really good:)

*Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.

*Life is tough, get a helmet. 

  Photography by me

A Friday haiku

 I love the work of Japanese poets, especially Ikkyu

flowers and hearts

A delicate and fragrant sign of spring, the Lily of the Valley has inspired a number of legends. One such Christian legend explains that the tears that Mary shed at the cross turned to Lilies of the Valley, prompting the flower to sometimes be referred to as “Our Lady’s Tears.” Another legend tells of Lilies of the Valley springing from the blood of St. George during his battle with the dragon.

flowers and hearts
flowers and hearts
flowers and hearts
flowers and hearts
flowers and hearts

2011 Hair Trends for Spring Designs | Spring-2011-Hair-Trends-Tips-And-Styles

There are pro hairstylists work with the designer's vision & create the hair styles.This hairstyle that is emerging as one of 2011's hair trends. Here are some spring hair style designs for you to choose from.

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Since deciding to exercise more I have been experiencing some minor leg cramps; charley horses usually at night. Now we all know that a healthy potassium level often prevents those nasty knots in the calf. So I thought I should make a quick surf to find some high potassium edibles.

The banana is the most obvious. Ripeness being the primary component of a good banana.

Papaya is another good source, I often combine them with other yummy fruits in a mid-morning Jamba Juice breakfast.

Don't you really enjoy finding out something you like is also good for you. Once again ripeness is a key with the avocado.

Next on the potassium hit parade, my favorite legume -- lentils, in all hues.

Spinach - just don't cook it, give it to me tender and raw.

But for me, it's really hard to get past the banana for a perfectly delectable source of K. Besides there are so many great banana pictures.

That's a laser engraved banana.

This is actually an eraser but nice colors!

In case you missed my words of wisdom the first few times - it really is all about the ripeness. 
Yes that is a statue, a life-size piece of art, 
well life-size for the woman not the banana.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Free Querkraft Architects Modern Vienna Museum Art Of Gallery Collections

Viennese is among Europe's finest museums of fine arts.The favorites was the three-storey Clock Museum in one of Vienna’s oldest buildings at Schulhof . Vienna, Austria has modern entrance foyer design and museum shop completed by giant seating which is designed by Querkraft Architects. The architects want to give majestic feeling while visitors get into Technical Museum. Vienna Museum of Art History, Collection of Classical Antiquities.

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IKEA Adventures

I had my first IKEA experience last week. Normally that would not be worth a blog post but when does anything normal make it to the blog? This is after all an adventure in observing the nearly normal, usually half-a-bubble-off happenings. Now I are not a shopper, like many males I do not have the shopping gene. Recently, however, I have observed that there are shoppers and there are closet shoppers. There are people, my friends among them, who do not have shopper in their DNA but they do have consumer hard-wired somewhere. I think its the nature/nurture thing or maybe just advertising propaganda.

Not me. I really find commercial outings distasteful, plus I have really been divesting for the past decade. But I needed a bed, with my bad back and the newly remodeled apartment, I just had to bite the Discover card and buy a bed. After some online research and a bewildering array of sales that seem to go on 24/7 and 365, I decided to try the land of unfinished Scandinavian excess. So I went to the local IKEA in Emeryville with the intention of buying a bed and only a bed. 

I put on my best anthropologist demeanor, prepared to observe the purchasing rituals of the americanus consumerosis, but I should have been better prepared. Like all wide-eyed field researchers I went into the wild unprepared with even the simplest of equipment. First of all, who would have thought that I needed a map . . .

I had no warning. My colleagues who are not shoppers have, as I, never been to the land of IKEA. Those who have had an IKEA experience thought nothing of allowing a virgin ikeadite to venture out alone. I think they were probably getting back at me for the time I told them it was OK to get the ground beetle ceviche in Honduras. Also probably why no one told me to "try the meatballs" while I was waiting in one of the many lines I encountered at IKEA.

Now less you think I was swallowed by the whale of housewares, I will tell you that I left the land of blue and yellow with only a purchase receipt for a bed, a mattress and a delivery invoice for the following day. Had that been it, as they say, you would not be reading this blog post. But no. After locating the bedroom corner of the IKEA wilderness and ferreting out the order form and golf pencil ritual; not to mention the local knowledge that the "bed" display room is different than the "mattress" room. Confident that I had followed the unwritten rules and traditions, I made my selection and communicated with a less than eager staffer in something I call Ikean English value added dialect. There was some walkie-talkie communication with someone in the warehouse which contained idiomatic expressions I could not decipher and hence the later to be revealed cultural clash.

No I ordered slacks and a table cloth.

The next day my mattress was delivered but not my slated platform base, instead I got two king box spring units, not my order. I called the IKEA hotline, got a real person with no accent, she understood the problem, quickly got me a return order reference number but we jointly decided I had better go back to the store and get the correct item code on the slated platform base. So I returned for part two of my IKEA adventure, found my way to the bed section, not the mattress room and discovered the secret hidden slated bed base code (Sultan Laxeby 001.259.72). I then proceeded to the customer service desk as instructed, only to find there is no customer service desk. Three blue&yellow consultations later, having visited the Information Kiosk, the Information Desk and finally the Return Room, I found a helpful person, who had to leave the Return Room to consult with the delivery manager who advised her to advise me that since I already had a apparently precious return order reference number . . . they would call me to arrange for a pick-up and delivery of my desired product.

This is where my IKEA adventure stands today, no call yet, mattress on the floor, slated platform bed base lingering in some cold, sterile warehouse awaiting the third act appropriately titled: Some Assembly Required.

UPDATE (3/29): Five days now and another long phone conversation initiated by me, I now await the alleged return call to schedule the exchange and new delivery.

UPDATE (3/30): Call came this morning. Delivery tomorrow, wonder if this time we got it right.

UPDATE (3/31): Nope, still haven't got all the parts I thought I had ordered.

UPDATE (4/1): Made a third trip to IKEA, vowed never to return and now need to get a friend to visit and help me put all the pieces together.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Five things I can totally live without

1. Sir(!) Cliff Richard
 Seriously. Is this not just one of those margarine carvings? 
AND: 'Summer Holiday' has to be the second-worst song of all time. *

2. Winter
I did a Google image search for winter pictures. Yep, there they all were - snowy, pretty, chocolate-boxy-Christmas-cardy pics of snow. And ice. And snow and ice.
Well, we don't have winters like that where I live. We have dankness,
cold, darkness, rain, wind - with the occasional crisp frost followed
by a sunny yet bitingly-cold day.
Winter makes me miserable and depressed; that's why I chose the illustration above. Ban Winter, I say!

3. Flies
I know, I know - they do a useful job of getting rid of
decomposing stuff etc etc.
I don't need them in my house, or anywhere in my vicinity. Thank you.

4. Unnecessary packaging

Need I say more?

5. Vileness
Who taught him to do this, I wonder?

* The position of first-worst is still open... suggestions are welcome

Download Exclusive Ram Navmi 2011 Celebration Photos | Ram Navmi 2011 Festival Collections

Hindus all around the India will be celebrating the Ram Navami festival. he festival celebrations begin with a prayer early in the morning as sun rises. The birth anniversary of Lord Rama is celebrated in the month of Chaitra in March or April according to the Hindu calendar. At some places the festival continues for the whole nine days of the Navratras. Download Ramnavmi Wallpapers, Free Desktop Ramnavmi Pictures, Images.

Lord-Of-Ram-Navami WallpaperLord-Of-Ram-Navami WallpaperLord-Of-Ram-Navami WallpaperLord-Of-Ram-Navami WallpaperLord-Of-Ram-Navami WallpaperLord-Of-Ram-Navami Wallpaper

Best Wedding Flowers

O buquê da noiva representa a beleza deste dia tão especial. Feito de flores naturais, ficará, sem dúvida alguma sofisticado.
Em casamentos realizados pela manhã ou à tarde, ele pode ser pequeno ou médio, feito com flores do campo, gérberas e rosas, nas cores que combinem mais com seu gosto e estilo de festa. À noite ele já pode ser um pouco maior, para torná-lo mais chamativo, terá um efeito maravilhoso se feito com flores nobres como orquídeas ou lírios. Lembrando que a orquídea é uma flor muito nobre que floresce uma vez por ano, mas também uma flor muito resistente, que pode durar até uma semana.
Conheça alguns dos formatos e tamanhos de buquês mais procurados:


buque de flores

Brigaram. Era de noite. Foi na cama. Cada um virou para o seu lado e tentaram dormir.
Não conseguiram.
Um deles saiu do quarto. Foi ele. Era sempre ele.
Por fim, chegaram a um acordo, ou quase isso. Ela fingiu que aceitava as desculpas dele, e, pela milésima vez, ele fingiu que acreditava que ela o tinha perdoado. E foi assim que se ‘reconciliaram’.
Pela manhã, despediu-se dela com juras de amor; ela, nada disse. No caminho para o trabalho ele estava transtornado. Passou o dia todo pensando nela. Em tomá-la nos braços e nunca mais soltar. Fazê-la dormir nos seus braços, enredando as mãos em seus cabelos.
Enquanto voltava, ligou para a floricultura, encomendando as flores mais lindas que eles tinham. Ele estava feliz. Ele tinha um plano.
A moça da floricultura achou estranho o telefonema interrompido de forma abrupta, mas caprichou no buquê.
Sofia achou estranho a demora de Carlos naquele dia. Só que, no fim das contas, ele nunca pegou as flores. Nunca as entregou. E Sofia nunca mais o viu.
Acidente de carro.
Carlos teve um último pensamento - ela. Somente ela importava a ele.
Sofia teve remorso, imaginando um futuro que nunca veria, e um perdão que acabou nunca concedendo a quem mais amava.

buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores
buque de flores