I love books. I love reading. I have been reading self-development and spiritual books since I was 21. I remember I had just finished my degree, I had a great job in the city and I had just broken up from my boyfriend of 4 years. I had spent 3 years reading text books, read a novel over the Christmas holidays and then I discovered a love of reading these life changing books. This is where my boyfriend and I were different, he did not share my passion for personal development.
Of course, I wish I had have put everything I learnt into action - as I have stumbled and made many mistakes. I often laugh that I did a course on decision making and yet over the last 20 years, I have made (what seems) many bad decisions - and yet this has been my life journey. And it is my life journey that gives me such deep empathy and compassion for my Clients.
It is my commitment to lifelong learning and also my life journey that serves me now as I am stepping out in the world as a Life Coach. I love reading books that will continually enrich my knowledge and it is my commitment to apply what I am learning to my own life and also help me in serving my Clients.
Among the books that I am currently reading (and loving), is 'Living Your Dreams' by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen - a brilliant book! I love the Inscription on the first page of the book - “We dedicate this book to everyone who has had the courage and commitment to pursue their most heartfelt dreams with passion and perseverance. By your example you have shown the rest of us that whatever you desire, believe in, and pursue with love, joy and determination is possible to achieve.”
Of course, I wish I had have put everything I learnt into action - as I have stumbled and made many mistakes. I often laugh that I did a course on decision making and yet over the last 20 years, I have made (what seems) many bad decisions - and yet this has been my life journey. And it is my life journey that gives me such deep empathy and compassion for my Clients.
It is my commitment to lifelong learning and also my life journey that serves me now as I am stepping out in the world as a Life Coach. I love reading books that will continually enrich my knowledge and it is my commitment to apply what I am learning to my own life and also help me in serving my Clients.
Among the books that I am currently reading (and loving), is 'Living Your Dreams' by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen - a brilliant book! I love the Inscription on the first page of the book - “We dedicate this book to everyone who has had the courage and commitment to pursue their most heartfelt dreams with passion and perseverance. By your example you have shown the rest of us that whatever you desire, believe in, and pursue with love, joy and determination is possible to achieve.”
I was given this book to my friend in November 2003 - inside the books is a message from my friend "Dear Kath, Go For It!" This was given to me when I was leaving a Marketing Job – deciding I wanted to move out of the corporate world and move away from working on products to working with people. This was 7 years ago - the magic number 7.
I just love the beginning of the book - it talks about "How To Live Your Dream" and gives 10 Steps - many of which are explored in the Coaching Process:
- Step 1. Decide What You Want - "You must first decide WHAT you want, before your brain can figure out HOW to get it." I really love "The Genie in the Lamp" where you can imagine that a Genie appears before you and grants you three wishes in all of the key areas of your life.
- Step 2. Believe in Yourself: Use Positive Self-Talk - "Eliminate any negative and limiting belief, learn to control your self-talk, and maintain a constant state of positive expectations." This is a big area in Coaching, helping Clients let go of their inner critic and help Clients embrace new and positive beliefs and attitudes.
- Step 3. Build on Your Core Genius - I LOVE THIS PART, I love these words - "Everyone is born with a unique set of talents and abilities - what we refer to as your areas of brilliance or your core genius." - I really love working with people in finding their life purpose and to express their unique gifts in the world.
- Step 4. Build an Awesome Dream Team Alliance - "A Dream Team Alliance is two or more individuals who voluntarily come together to creatively put their energy behind a definite purpose." - I definitely believe in the power of the Dream Teams and I will be offering Group Coaching opportunities next year. Now that I am newly engaged I am also Excited to create a Dream Team with My Man, especially now as we are planning our wedding and our life together
- Step 5. Visualise and Affirm Your Desired Outcomes - I love what is written in the book about Visualisation - "Visualisation activates your creative subconscious, which will start generating creative ideas to help you achieve your goal; Visualisation programs your brain to more readily perceive and recognise the resources you will need to achieve your Dreams; Visualisation activates the Law Of Attraction, thereby drawing into your life the people, resources and circumstances you will need to achieve your Goals; Visualisation builds your internal motivation to take the necessary actions needed to accomplish your Dreams." I am really Excited that I will be running Vision Board Workshops from January 2011 which are designed to help Clients create a Visual representation of their Dreams.
- Step 6. Act to Create It - This part of the book reinforces the importance of taking ACTION - "We recommend making the commitment to do something every day in at least three different areas of your life that moves you in the direction of your Dreams." I also like the part that states "One of the secrets of success is to start acting like a success before you are one. Act as if."
- Step 7. Respond to Feedback - I like the reference to Thomas Edison "reported to have tried more than two thousand different experiments that failed before he finally got the light bulb to work" - "If you can adopt that attitude, then you can be free to take an action, notice what result you get, and then adjust your next actions based on the feedback you get." The book encourages readers to - Ask others for feedback, ask yourself for feedback, ask your higher self, your inner wisdom for guidance and feedback. One of my favourite parts of Coaching is helping Clients access and trust their own answers and insights.
- Step 8. Never Give Up: The Power of Determination - "After taking ACTION, the most important quality you will need to develop in order to live your Dreams is persistence. You must be persistent in your disciplines and habits; perseverant in the face of adversity, hardship and challenge; and determined to achieve your dreams no matter what." Working with a Coach can offer you support during these challenging times, helping you overcome any obstacles and staying true to yourself and your Dreams.
- Step 9. Celebrate Your Victories and Give Thanks - I really love working with Clients to acknowledge and celebrate their Wins. I also love that the book talks about having an "Attitude of Gratitude" and rewarding our inner child (yes, I must book a massage this week - planning an hour and a half luxury massage in my last week of College to reward myself).
- Step 10. Give Something Back - "The best way to ensure an ongoing flow of abundance into your life is to share with others the wealth you receive." I also believe in helping others who are less fortunate than ourselves. I am passionate about helping children and communities living in poverty, with $5 from every Coaching Session donated to Plan Australia http://www.plan.org.au/
I love quotes - here is a great quote from 'Living Your Dreams' -
"Take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase.
Just take the first step."
Martin Luther King Jr.