For a long time I have been reading self-development books. I started reading these books when I was 21, I had just finished university - this is when my real education began - stepping out into the world - LIFE! And in the last 10 years of my life I have experienced many HUGE life lessons - and I am still learning - learning everyday.
Like many people I enjoyed 'The Secret' - I read the book 4 years ago, I watched the dvd, I listened to the CDs. I read it and thought that it sounded like a great idea - and yet it has only been in recent months that I have been a lot more focused on developing the skills of Manifesting My Heart's Desires.
Like many people I enjoyed 'The Secret' - I read the book 4 years ago, I watched the dvd, I listened to the CDs. I read it and thought that it sounded like a great idea - and yet it has only been in recent months that I have been a lot more focused on developing the skills of Manifesting My Heart's Desires.
A few months ago I had a wonderful conversation with a friend from the Clinic where I work - she is a Master of Manifestation. It was around this time that I set the intention to bring my Magician Archetype onto the Stage in my life - I started this Process of learning Manifestation by Manifesting my Magician - by consciously inviting this Part of me to be more present in my life.
I started to read the great book 'Ask and It Is Given’ Esther and Jerry Hicks - this was a great book for me to read - I learnt a lot. This book has so many wonderful words of wisdom, including:
- "... you came from a Source of love and well-being. When you're matched up to that energy of peace and love, you then regain the power of your Source - that being the power to manifest your desires, to summon well-being, to attract abundance where scarcity previously resided, and to access Divine guidance in the form of the right people and the precisely correct circumstances."
- "there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have"
The book talks about being in the right vibration - "The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire." Now this is a key part of what I read "Whatever you are giving your attention to causes you to emit a vibration, and the vibrations that you offer equal your asking, which equals your point of attraction. If there is something you desire that you currently do not have, you need only put your attention upon it, and by the Law Of Attraction, it will come to you, for as you think about this thing or experience that you desire, you offer a vibration, and then, by Law, that very thing or experience must come to you. However, if there is something that you desire that you currently do not have, and you put your attention upon your current state of not having it, then Law Of Attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration, so you will continue to not have that what you desire. It is Law."
"Sometimes a person will say 'I'm not happy over here where I'm standing. I would much rather be over there - over there where my body is not sick, or over there where I'm not overweight, or over there where I have more money or a better relationship'... We then explain that it is important to talk about what is believed to be 'over there' and try to find the feeling-place of what's 'over there'."
Since inviting my Magician on the Stage in my life I have been so Excited and Thankful for so many wonderful Gifts from God and the Universe. There have been so many examples in my life recently of where I have been putting thoughts and desires out into the Universe and if by magic, so many things are appearing for me. Recently, I had many thoughts about looking for Meditation Resources and Scripts and was Excited when one of the other girls from where I work, was talking about a great author and I looked at the books and found some great Meditation Scripts including one on building Self-Esteem, which a big area of interest for me, in terms of working with Clients. I was also saying to My Man that we didn't have a song and it would be great to have our own song that we love - and I forgot about it (rather than searching for one) - and then one day when getting ready for work, they had a guest performance on 'Sunrise' and I loved the song - I showed My Man the 'youtube' clip - we found our song!
Just the other day I was planning to go to 'Peter Alexander' in the city (didn't have enough time in the end) and then the next day I was shopping locally and I was just about to leave and then felt Inspired to go a certain way in the Shopping Centre. And then I was so surprised to see this new 'Peter Alexander' store - and I bought this great new pink and yellow nightie - my favourite colours, and even having yellow wattle on the nightie, I love wattle.
And a big one for me was when I put it out there that I would like to earn around $300 more per week and I put it out there that I would be happy to take on more responsibility at work - within a few days a position was advertised at work, I applied and I was offered the job. The great part of this job is that I will be able to bring more Coaching into the workplace. And with some other opportunities I will be earning the extra money that I put out there to the Universe.
Also once I changed my vibration to being so Grateful and Excited about my current Clients with a trust that more Clients will continue to come to my Business, rather than focusing on the lack of a full diary of appointments, my Coaching Business has been building and I have been attracting new Clients - which I love!
Of course there is always the times when you think of someone you want to talk to or see and then you see them. It can also work against you - I was talking at College about an ex-partner and all of the stress that it caused me - I really remembered the emotion of this chain of events - and to my surprise, I was checking my phone in the break and at the same time I received a call from this man - someone that would be unlikely to call me on a Saturday and who I hadn't spoken to in over 6 months.
I have learnt now to Consiously choose my thoughts and choose my vibration.
So how does it work - I am still learning and experiencing the power of Manifesting My Heart's Desires - I am not an expert - in fact that is why I have included so many great words of wisdom from 'Ask and It Is Given’ Esther and Jerry Hicks. I do believe that in sending out the energy of what we desire, this connects with other energy in the Universe and draws that to us. Likewise if someone sends something out to the Universe, this can also draw us in - like when people say "your ears must be burning" if someone is talking about you. - or just the other day I had the thought that I wanted to hear from my friend, and then realised that they had sent me an email - perhaps them sending out the energy, attracted in my thoughts.
I also believe that when we are very clear about what we want, the Universe, our Angels, God will bring opportunities into our awareness, send messages to us via our intuition. I also love the Reticular Activating System in our brain - an example of the Reticular Activating System is when we buy a certain type of car or want a certain type of car, and then all of a sudden we see this car everywhere on the road - it has probably always been there - and now this is filtering through to our awareness.
When we are clear about what we want, and when we are totally relaxed and in the flow, we are going to notice and be drawn to that which we desire.
For me I have been practicing Manifesting My Heart's Desires by:
- being clear in what I want, consciously putting an order into the Universe
- feeling into the vibration - being positive and Grateful for all of the positive in my life and in this area of my life (a good step here is to use Visualisation and Imagination)
- letting go of the attachment to the outcome and having TRUST - I recently read about the Law of Detachment - “in order to acquire anything in the physical Universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it” - it is all about TRUST - what is TRUST? TRUST - To Rely Unto Spirit Totally (I love this acronym - a great reminder to me).
Just the other day I was planning to go to 'Peter Alexander' in the city (didn't have enough time in the end) and then the next day I was shopping locally and I was just about to leave and then felt Inspired to go a certain way in the Shopping Centre. And then I was so surprised to see this new 'Peter Alexander' store - and I bought this great new pink and yellow nightie - my favourite colours, and even having yellow wattle on the nightie, I love wattle.
And a big one for me was when I put it out there that I would like to earn around $300 more per week and I put it out there that I would be happy to take on more responsibility at work - within a few days a position was advertised at work, I applied and I was offered the job. The great part of this job is that I will be able to bring more Coaching into the workplace. And with some other opportunities I will be earning the extra money that I put out there to the Universe.
Also once I changed my vibration to being so Grateful and Excited about my current Clients with a trust that more Clients will continue to come to my Business, rather than focusing on the lack of a full diary of appointments, my Coaching Business has been building and I have been attracting new Clients - which I love!
Of course there is always the times when you think of someone you want to talk to or see and then you see them. It can also work against you - I was talking at College about an ex-partner and all of the stress that it caused me - I really remembered the emotion of this chain of events - and to my surprise, I was checking my phone in the break and at the same time I received a call from this man - someone that would be unlikely to call me on a Saturday and who I hadn't spoken to in over 6 months.
I have learnt now to Consiously choose my thoughts and choose my vibration.
So how does it work - I am still learning and experiencing the power of Manifesting My Heart's Desires - I am not an expert - in fact that is why I have included so many great words of wisdom from 'Ask and It Is Given’ Esther and Jerry Hicks. I do believe that in sending out the energy of what we desire, this connects with other energy in the Universe and draws that to us. Likewise if someone sends something out to the Universe, this can also draw us in - like when people say "your ears must be burning" if someone is talking about you. - or just the other day I had the thought that I wanted to hear from my friend, and then realised that they had sent me an email - perhaps them sending out the energy, attracted in my thoughts.
I also believe that when we are very clear about what we want, the Universe, our Angels, God will bring opportunities into our awareness, send messages to us via our intuition. I also love the Reticular Activating System in our brain - an example of the Reticular Activating System is when we buy a certain type of car or want a certain type of car, and then all of a sudden we see this car everywhere on the road - it has probably always been there - and now this is filtering through to our awareness.
When we are clear about what we want, and when we are totally relaxed and in the flow, we are going to notice and be drawn to that which we desire.
For me I have been practicing Manifesting My Heart's Desires by:
- being clear in what I want, consciously putting an order into the Universe
- feeling into the vibration - being positive and Grateful for all of the positive in my life and in this area of my life (a good step here is to use Visualisation and Imagination)
- letting go of the attachment to the outcome and having TRUST - I recently read about the Law of Detachment - “in order to acquire anything in the physical Universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it” - it is all about TRUST - what is TRUST? TRUST - To Rely Unto Spirit Totally (I love this acronym - a great reminder to me).
I love this analogy that my friend shared with me about TRUST - which helps me a lot when Manifesting My Heart's Desires. Consider you are at a restaurant with a friend and you look at the menu – there are a lot of nice things – you decide what you want – you order the fish – the trick is to TRUST that the fish is being prepared and will be delivered to you – and so you enjoy conversation and be PRESENT IN THE NOW with your friend (rather than sitting there wondering when it is going to arrive, asking the waiter when it will be here, thinking about it a lot, talking about it with your friend about when is the fish going to arrive) – the fish will come.
I love that 'Ask and It Is Given' talks about having your own unique desires and preferences and from this place, as we are unique, there is abundance for us all - once again we can just TRUST.
ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT BELIEF FOR ME is that I am also conscious that my Magician cannot work alone - I need all Parts of me to allow my Dreams to come true - other Parts of me such as my Destroyer (to let go of what does not serve me), my Organiser (to help me with my Priorities), my Sage (wisdom for and from my Highest Self), my Creator (Action from Intuition). My Innocence is very important, helping me work out what I truly want, what is at the Heart for me. It is also important that I invite in my Caregiver to listen to and look after my Innocence, and also consciously bring in the presence of my Warrior to defend my Innocence and stand up for my Truth (and overcome any fears or doubts).
I imagine all of these Parts of me dancing together in Celebration as I live my Vision.
ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT BELIEF FOR ME is that I am also conscious that my Magician cannot work alone - I need all Parts of me to allow my Dreams to come true - other Parts of me such as my Destroyer (to let go of what does not serve me), my Organiser (to help me with my Priorities), my Sage (wisdom for and from my Highest Self), my Creator (Action from Intuition). My Innocence is very important, helping me work out what I truly want, what is at the Heart for me. It is also important that I invite in my Caregiver to listen to and look after my Innocence, and also consciously bring in the presence of my Warrior to defend my Innocence and stand up for my Truth (and overcome any fears or doubts).
I imagine all of these Parts of me dancing together in Celebration as I live my Vision.