Balance is important to me. Sometimes I like silence. I especially love silence when I am out walking - I don't like listening to music while I am outdoors in Nature - I just love the silence and the Space. And I love when I can enjoy silence at home, silence in the car - just time to have Space. I am so fortunate that this year I have been able to enjoy more Space in my life.
And at other times I love listening to Music. I love Music. I love when I am cooking and I remember to put on one of my favourite CDs and I dance and sing around the kitchen. Or it is after dinner and I put on a song and My Man and I dance around the loungeroom. And I love when I dance around with my three beautiful Nieces, we hold hands and spin around - it is a joyful time. I recently found hundreds of CDs in my garage and I have been meaning to gather some of my favourite CDs and bring them into our home to enjoy.
When I am driving to work I also love listening to songs that make me feel Inspired - I love when Music Moves Me. I love when a great song comes on the radio or on one of my CDs and I turn up the volume and feel Energised.
Two of my favourite songs that I listen to when I am driving to meet with my Coaching Clients are by Shannon Noll - 'Lift' and 'Shine'.
I love 'Lift' -
The words of this piece of Music Moves Me:
- "I know you're hurting"
- "Seems like forever
That you've been falling"
- "Your life is calling, yeah"
- "This was never meant to be the end
Close the book and start again"
- "Cos I know how hard it can get"
- "I know you're stronger"
- "You've got to lift yourself up above all
the hurt - Don't give in"
I also love the song 'Shine' -
I love the song since my Business is called 'SHINE Coaching' and I love the words and passion of this song - I definitely feel Excited and Inspired.
I love these words:
- "Today's the day you hold the world with your song
Go now, go now, go now, help escalate
Angels come down, help with this parade
To hear your voice ring out
Come on and shout it
Let your song be heard
- "This is the time
This is the day that we've been waiting for
All the world will stop to watch you shine
This is the time
This is the day that we've been waiting for
All the world believes that you will shine"
These songs help me feel positive and uplifted. Music definitely has the power to make me feel wonderful. And yet today when I was looking on 'youtube' I came across a short clip with Music and images that touched me with a deep sadness. This song and clip is definitely not uplifting - instead it makes you very much stop and just sit with hard realities
I love to be positive and uplifted and yet this clip is also a reminder of the tragedy and pain in the world that affects individuals, families, communities, countries. And as I sit and watch the images I almost watch in disbelief and the world stops around me, as I sit with the horror and tragedy of the world events. I am humbled and I feel compassion and empathy for my fellow brothers and sisters.
Watching this clip reminds me that there are so many things that we cannot control - and yet we can choose to love others and Spread The Yellow - offering Connection and Acknowledgement - sitting and sharing Sacred Space with another in good times and in times of pain. We can choose to offer a smile, a kind word, a hug. We can see the light in another and help them see the light in themselves and the light in their world.
And we can hold the Paradox - Gratitude for the Joy and Light in our own lives and also holding the realities of darkness and sadness. And I definitely feel Inspired after watching this clip to be active, to help others and work in Community, to Make A Difference, and to take a Stand for human rights and what is right.
And we can hold the Paradox - Gratitude for the Joy and Light in our own lives and also holding the realities of darkness and sadness. And I definitely feel Inspired after watching this clip to be active, to help others and work in Community, to Make A Difference, and to take a Stand for human rights and what is right.
I am so Grateful for the Light in my life. I would like to share one last clip (not to take away from, or forget, the sadness of the previous clip). This is a great song that I heard the other day. My Man and I are currently planning our wedding - and I am feeling Excited. We are planning to have this as our wedding song - it is fun and I love the words "you take me the way I am"
- clip and the words make us laugh and we are blessed to have found True Love with each other. In True Love we can share the happiness and the sadness, the joy and the pain - we can embrace life together.