Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thematic Photographic 140: By land, sea or air

This week over at Carmi's blog, the theme is "By land, sea or air". See other posts and join in here.  The title took me straight to the photos from my trip to Turkey last year.

Firstly, Carmi's photo of vapour trails meant that I just had to post this one. I had woken early in my hotel room in Bursa, and drew the curtains to see this:

Istanbul is such a fabulous place - I would love to go back there some time. The narrow 'sea' that runs right through the middle of the city divides two continents; Europe is on the western side, Asia on the east. This was taken through a bus window while crossing one of the many bridges. I guess it counts as 'by land' ... ?

By ferry we crossed the Sea of Marmara to begin our two weeks of travelling around central and southern Turkey:

In Antalya, on the Turkish Mediterranean, I took a 'cruise' on the harbour. This shot shows part of the Old Port.

Lastly, another ferry shot - crossing the Dardanelles, on the way to Gallipoli and thence back to Istanbul:

(click on photos to embiggen)