Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today...I deactivated my FB

Today, I deactivated my Facebook account. In this crazy world we are living everyone is looking for the two (2) L…Label and Love. I hate to say this but as I grow old I’ve learned to see life as good and live life to the fullest. My life has never been easy and it never been easy to be me! I just hate it when people on your FB friends list start creating a bad view of you and giving you a LABEL which not heaven to my ears. Questioning your life and even my family at whole is hurting me. Is this because of the pictures I uploaded and with the status messages? I really thought FB is a happy place so I joined into this social networking but I guess I have to take break and later on might consider true friends suggestions: privacy or blocked specific person.

Yes, I’m looking for my own LABEL but not the label your giving me and for the other L…I’ll just have to wait for sure love department will give its big shot in the right time but with this shot I’m currently receiving is such a stressful! why don"t you just give me a shot of Tequila? I know I don’t owe anyone any explanation..ANYONE! But I have to do this for now goodbye FB...I will surely miss you...see you soon:)

but I still see Life is good!

Last week I was invited with my two friends birthday party. Thou we are not working in the same company anymore but they never fail to invite me. It seems like their party would never start  without

People think old is the opposite of young, but really it’s the same. Whether you’re one or one hundred, someone still changes your diapers and feeds you out of a soft spoon. And either way, you still need help walking around and have no

82? ...not erick real age just making fun with the birthday candle:)

To Masexy thank you and Erick you will always be my rockstar!

Happy birthday for both of you..cheers to a good life!

I'm wearing ( Blazer jacket a gift from a friend, gray top from TRF -zara, Jeans from zara, brown shoes from Rusty Lopez and earrings from bargain stalls)