A Lavender Rose Bouquet has one of the sweetest scents of all rose bouquets. Be sure before you buy, however, that you realize a lavender rose is more in the violet (red) shades than the deep blue purple color. They are lovely when mixed with other coordinating shades.
Lavender Rose Bouquet Lavender Rose BouquetA delightful study in pastels, this collection of pale pink roses, blush roses, pale yellow roses and pale lavender roses makes an exquisite bouquet. All are arranged with fragrant seeded eucalyptus in a classic clear glass vase. GOOD rose bouquet includes 12 stems. BETTER rose bouquet includes 18 stems. BEST rose bouquet includes 24 stems. Lavender Rose Bouquet Lavender Rose Bouquet Lavender Rose BouquetThe FTD Nottingham bouquet – wedding flowers The FTD Nottingham Bouquet Romantic abundance. Lavender roses, delicate lavender sweet peas, lavender Veronica, and pink heather with ivy and lavender satin ribbon comprise this elegant wedding bouquet. They’ll never forget this beautiful bride. ... Lavender Rose Bouquet Lavender Rose Bouquet